Followed by " people in power " 68 per cent, and " bosses " 50 per cent 的人认为是“权力人士”,50%的人则认为是“大老板”。
Followed by " people in power " 68 per cent, and " bosses " 50 per cent 其次,有68%的人提到了“当权者”,还有半数人提到了“老板”,认为他们是罪魁祸首。
The results indicated that japanese students have a negative image of people in power and want to avoid jobs that bear heavy responsibilities 这一结果反映出日本学生对权势者抱有的成见以及害怕承担责任重大工作的心理。
A master of the lotus sect in japan was also threatened, suppressed and chased away when he preached in public . some of his disciples were also killed by people in power, but the rest remained firm 或是像日本的日莲宗,日莲法师出来弘法的时候,也被人家恐吓压迫赶走,他有些徒弟也被人家用权力杀害,不过其馀的人还是不动摇。